We link. We rethink.
On a mission to positively impact (y)our world.
Investing in yourself, your teams, and your organisation? By focusing on tomorrow, we develop the leaders of today.
How can we serve you?
We develop leadership at various levels, from executive to junior leaders, and focus on increasing individual and team impact.
Learning & Development
Together we determine the way.
Do you want to strengthen your leadership or support your teams? Do you want to create a positive culture or make the shift to an agile company? Every partnership starts with an intake. LINKx starts from your context, your reality, and your goals. Together, we map out a customised trajectory: from strategic advice or individual coaching to short and longer training programs. From a personality questionnaire to a full circle stakeholder 360° feedback instrument, from in-house workshops to inspiring keynotes. For this you can count on our multidisciplinary experts who go 100% for a sustainable result. #passion.
LINKx develops connected leadership in a hybrid world at:

Personal level

Team level

Organisation level

Hybrid Leadership Program
Evidence-based and directly applicable

LINKx is a collective of consultants, coaches and process facilitators who are passionate about leadership development. Linked by their shared ambition to generate positive impact.
We take it personally.

Why attention is the essence
Bieke Van Gool's book has become a practical and comprehensive reference book for those who want to strengthen their leadership in a pragmatic and successful way. She encourages the reader to act and attain goals through focus, attention, and alignment with long-term objectives. The aim is to create a context in which people, teams and organisations can grow and thrive. This requires leadership, decision-making and courage.
Get inspired.
Bieke Van Gool’s leadership advice: “Leadership is separate from your title”
Leadership has become so complex that it is better to share leadership and develop shared leadership in your organisation.
Four steps to an open feedback culture
A podcast about feedback and the importance of an open feedback culture. And that starts with insight and awareness, according to Daphne Wens.
A confrontation with our forgotten (HR) vulnerability.
AMS professor Peggy De Prins and lecturer Bieke Van Gool praise people managers who stimulate the ownership of their team members thanks to attention.
Our partners

Our clients

You learn nothing from life if you think you are right all the time.
Learn how.
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